April 2009 is almost history and May is just a few days away, wow, where did the time go? A few things worth mentioning:
We had a wonderful Easter, not only because I am reminded of the unselfish sacrifice that my elder brother Jesus Christ gave; he died & was resurrected for us all. He paid the ultimate price, all we have to do is keep his commandments and he has promised us Eternal life. We went to Burley & Preston Idaho to visit family. We saw some wonderful landmarks in Southern Idaho; Twin & Shoshone Falls. I have never been to Niagra Falls, now that I've been to the Twin & Shoshone Falls, I don't need to go the New York. My boys were taken by the beautiful scenary and magnificient display of these natural landmarks right in our own back yard.
My very special son Krae will be turning 11 on Sunday May 3rd, wow I can't believe it. Heavenly Father has blessed us with Krae to make us realize what's important in life; our relationships, spending time with our loved ones and being different is OK. We should all celebrate our diversities in life.
I am forever indebted to my loving Father in Heaven for his undying devotion to me and my family. My wife was laid off on March 3rd and we have been struggling financially, but I am confident that we will make it through with god's blessings. Every time I start feeling sorry for myself, I am reminded that there are so many others whose situations are much dire than mine. I am counting my blessings every day.
Until next time...Keep your heads in the snow & keep reaching for the stars!
In lieu of flowers for Carolynn Burrup
5 years ago